Plague. Recession. Riot. Chaos. Nationwide political, mental and emotional division and strife.
International crises. Watching huge swatches of the world burn. And freeze. And drown.
Cancelled plans. Messed up schedules. Lost jobs. Empty shelves.
Isolation. Stress, anxiety and uncertainty at every turn.
Death and hospitalizations in numbers truly incomprehensible to most of us.
For the past year, life has been challenging in almost every way imaginable. And it has spread anxiety in a completely indiscriminate manner.
Those of us who suffer from diagnosed anxiety disorders have found our symptoms spiraling – while those who never before endured the constant internal monologue of doom that we have lived with have suddenly found themselves facing its never-ending echoes.
It’s all too much. Panic has become the norm. The many faces of anxiety show themselves in unpredictable bouts of anger, irritability, hypersensitivity, and fear.
Suddenly, all any of us can do is our best – and try to face each day as it comes. Sometimes, simply making it through seems overwhelming.
In these trying times, it is more important than ever to be kind to yourself – and to others. To understand that the world has truly changed, and everyone is struggling on some level.
I have been using a mantra that I cling to, dropping it as an anchor to right myself when the weight of the world triggers one of the many manifestations of my own anxiety.
It reflects not the countless things I can’t do and have no control over, but the little bit I CAN do and choose as often as possible.
Be nice. Be kind. Be generous. Because you can.
Maybe, with the help of this mantra, I can help to make the next year just a bit better.